Our Clients
Our clients are individuals and their families with investible assets of greater than $1 million. Our clients are business owners, entrepreneurs, or endowments of local institutions like museums or organizations. Our clients are typically in various life stages such as:
Planning for Future Cash Flow Needs
We help couples and their families plan for their retirement in a customized way that is tailor made for their goals
Divorce or Widowed
Women and men who are facing life changes such as becoming widowed or divorced may face new financial hurdles and need help
Recent Recipient of An Inheritance
Those that have had a life change such as an inheritance can benefit from careful stewardship of finances and our guidance
Selling A Business or Practice
Many of our clients are business owners or medical professionals who own their own practice. We help those people plan and transition when it is time to sell
Geographical Relocation
Have you recently moved to the low country and are looking for an investment advisor?
Transitioning A Financial Advisor
Perhaps you are searching for a new investment advisor or wealth management solution because you are simply unhappy with your performance
More About Our Clients
Most clients come from referrals, which is a testament to our focus on service and results. Because of our low client to principal ratio and desire to maintain a family-oriented atmosphere with an emphasis on our quality of life, we only take a limited number of clients each year. Are you interested in working with us? Get in touch today to set up a meeting to discuss if Chatham Capital Group is a fit for your financial needs.