Small Company Investing

Our Objectives

In addition to balanced investment strategies, Chatham Capital Group has developed a Small Company Investing strategy over the past three decades that is designed to provide the highest probability of generating both attractive real returns and superior relative returns over market cycles.

We focus on small company stocks, not because of the theoretical small company premium or a desire to fit in a particular “style box,” but because this universe of stocks allows us to find and exploit valuation inefficiencies and earnings growth opportunities that are “under the radar” of most investors.

Our objective is to purchase durable businesses at a discount, which can further compound their intrinsic value to generate client returns that exceed US equity benchmark returns with less statistical and conceptual risk.


We consider this to be a small cap strategy, and because our emphasis equally balances valuation and attractive growth potential, we believe our approach fits best under a core style category. Therefore, our primary benchmark of choice is the iShares Russell 2000 ETF (IWM).


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